The Girl With the Big Earrings Mindspill

About 1.5 years ago, we saw Erykah Badu aKa Fat Belly Bella aKa Medulla Oblongata aKa Low Down Loretta Brown aKa Analogue Girl in a Digital Girl aKa Manuela Maria Mexico rocking pair of “ear wings at Lollapalooza with a golden Mohawk. She pulled off the look like no one else could. Then we learned that she was going to be producing the ear wings along with other accessories.

I thought, what regular woman could wear them & look that fly?

A random sighting in NYC proved that my assertions about a regular woman rocking the ear wings were wrong.

You can tell by these eyes that she knew that she was working these ear wings. She KNEW!

And, I don’t think Erykah ever launched her line of jewelry. I’m just saying.

Check here to view more of my NYC Analog Street Portrait series.