My Kid in an Ad Mindspill

So I get a call from my little cousin Precious Jules earlier saying, I think I see you daughter on a Citgo ad. I’m like no way.

Minutes later I had a screen shot in my inbox.

Upon opening, I was like OMG! Look at my baby snaggle toothed baby on a Citgo “Fueling Good” ad campaign.

I guess I’m just really happy that the ad was not for BP.

My images sell all over the world via Getty & I never know their final destination so this is quite funny. And ironically, I ran across a thread on the Getty contributors site where a photographer wanted to know what his photographs were being used for.

As a matter of fact, it is highly umproefessional/inappropriate to contact clients who purchase your images through a stock agency. When you sign on as a stock seller, you give up certain controls. It’s business & it is what it is.

Original image here.