Archive for the
‘Snapshots’ Category

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“He’s waited at bus stops all his life He’s been in and out of those spaces Seein’ eyes that spoke to him From sad and gifted places Sad and gifted places He’s on his way He’s goin’ to hollywood He’s bussin’ it to hollywood Show him the way He’s movin’ to hollywood He’s hoppin’ it […]

After the last season of America’s Next Top Model, I said that I was no longer gonna watch the show. The show that I used to love. I got sick of the over the top challenges, the colorism issues between the Black girls, the endless company and product plugging etc. It just became too much. […]

Over the last couple of months during various trips to NYC, I completed my NYC Analog Portraits series. For some strange reason, I was a little apprehensive about completing this during the winter months because I felt that winter wear (coats, hates, scarves, etc) would detract from a look that I was going for. As […]

Last Friday while in NY, I got an invite to attend famed costume designer Patricia Field’s Disco Valentine’s Ball.  I had no idea what I was in for at all. I just knew I was going and that there was some costume contest. So I show up to the party & before I got to […]

I went, I saw, I shot, I got into a few fights, I got tired, I got recognized, I am back home. My Mercedes Benz Fashion Week experience is over and I’m happy with how things went the second time around overall. Hopefully, you followed my journey on Facebook or Twitter and saw some of […]

On the daily, I spotted homeboy rocking some interestingly assembles looks. I think this one with the raven feathers was probably the most over the top but, he owned the look & made it work. While I found his sense of style to be awe inspiring, it was his red mohawk that really caught my […]

What’s not to love? Big hair, big bright eyes, big smile mixed with a little light leak. See more of my NYC Analog Street Portrait series here.

I know I’m major late with this but I am just now discovering Goodie Mob.  It’s not because I’ve never heard of them but way back when, I was not into rap music all that much. Most recently, I’ve been like a ride or die Cee-Lo fan hence getting into Good Mob now. This song; […]

A few weeks ago, I saw this lady slipper orchid at a local shop & fell in love! Then I looked at the cost & saw that it was 35 bucks. I then fell out of love. $35? Really? A week later, I was back at the shop and the lady slipper was still there looking […]

So. Yeah. I lost my mind & got a new lens… A Nikkor 24mm f/1.4…… When the lens was introduced last year, I had a mental orgasm. It was fast, beautiful & black & gold. And  when I saw this image from Bob Krist, I was like I gotsta have it! Mmmmmmmm So although, I […]

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