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The other day I received some feedback for something that I did recently. Not really a big deal because I always welcome feedback, but this feedback went in the wrong direction!  Everyone knows that good feedback should be thought out, concise, and constructive. The feedback that I received was nothing that I just noted and […]

Typically, a hour before the doors open for the audience of a runway show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, you can catch the models doing a practice walk somewhere between their hair and make up styling. About this time, photographers lucky enough to get early admittance will have the opportunity to get a good standing […]

Reminds me of a daffodil (my favorite spring flower) crossed with a gladiolus, but it’s a cattleya orchid (BLC Husky Boy Romeo if you want to get all specific.).  Like my beloved daffodil & gladiolus, this orchid only blooms one a year. Luckily, the flower lasts at least a month on this type of orchid. […]

Like the nerd that I am, I hung out at the Michigan Orchid Society Show to see some new beauties and hopefully pick up one or two. The exhibits were huge and very diverse, much larger than the Ann Arbor Orchid Festival. What I found not so great about the Michigan Orchid Society Show was […]

So my 2nd Detroit Pecha Kucha Night presentation has come & gone like a thief in the night.  The evening could have not been any better!  I was supported by my family, friends, members of the Detroit art community & somewhat of a rowdy crowd. OK, the crowd wasn’t rowdy but someone had way too […]

Years ago when I got my 1st Lensbaby camera lens, I learned to think differently about what a good photo was. Prior to getting it, all of my images HAD to have tack sharp details and robust colors. If it wasn’t perfect, I rejected it. After playing with the Lensbaby lens for a month or […]

To get good results when taking portraits, you can do so very much with one small light, one stand, & one umbrella. When I photographed New York educator, blogger, poet and my ace boom cool José Vilson, I started with two lights but I was not getting the effect that I desired. I tried multiple […]

If you ain’t heard (yes, I said ain’t), I’m presenting at volume 8 of Pecha Kucha Night Detroit on April 14th at the Arab American National Museum. Part of the process is to submit a short bio 3-4 sentences, which I find hard because  a) I hate writing/describing myself and b) my life is too big […]

Most if not all of my friends in and around Detroit have a hustle or two or three or four.  I have two aside from my main thing cause I need to be able to support my shopping habits. The other day, I was talking to Cousin Dee who was telling me about her new […]

When it comes to flamboyant fun, funky or fresh headgear, New York socialite & costume designer Rosemary Ponzo has it covered. Whenever she’s out & about, she’s sporting a look that makes people stop & wonder a) WHAT? b) Is that Liza Minnelli? b) Is that hat for real? When meeting her for the 1st […]